Don't Go... Not now... Stay with me

Oct 15, 2005 12:20

my week has pretty much sucked. yeah there's been a couple of ok days... but ive been majorly stressed and stuff. so im in charge of all of the yearbook money... i didnt think it was gonna be too bad but i had like a nervous breakdown on Wednesday... hopefully everything starts running smoother and i dont have to like live at the school anymore counting money.

so im almost done one college application... yippee... plenty more to go...

so things are all around really rough for me today... i think ive smiled once so far which as all of you know is NOT like me... i feel like im losing the person thats closest to me... things are rough... the thing that stinks about being in love is vulnerability. im head over heels in love with him... i hope he knows just how much i care. i absolutely cant wait to see him on the 28th... our times together are so great. im so content and happy with him and it's like i dont need anything else... other than God cause He's the only one who can completely complete me and make me not need anyone else... i found someone who makes me so happy i can fly up there for a weekend just to lay on his couch in his arms the whole time and not once be bored and even want to move. i know we have our differences... but we just work together so well... i couldnt think of anyone i would rather be with... he completes me in a sense, which i guess is weird to say... but i've never been so happy as i am with him. i could stare into his eyes forever... they just help me to know that everythings gonna be ok and im safe with him. i can't believe we've already been together for over 9 months... im the luckiest girl in the world. i've never cared about someone so deeply and always wanted them to be happy... i love him more than my heart can hold... that's why our conversations the past couple nights hurt and scare me so much... i dont wanna lose him... i know if i did that would be God's plan for me... but everything is so right with us... i feel like God wants us together if that makes sense... i dont wanna lose him...

so this is the song that i wrote today to try to get out some of my feelings about the situation. i hope it doesn't come to us breaking up... i dont even know how i could handle that... i love him so much... but i know that all things happen for a reason... even if its taking away one of the best things that ever happened to me...

Why do all good things have to come to an end?
Why can't they just last forever?
Why can't all the love, the smiles and the laughter go on?
I just want you to be forver here with me
Don't go... Not now...
Stay with me

Cause I'm gonna love you forever
Forever and Always
I'm gonna need you forever
in so many different ways
You make me complete
You hold me so tight
You've helped me to see the world in a whole new light
baby I wish that you could see...
I need you here with me

I could look into those brown eyes of yours forever
I could lay with you all day on the couch
Just as long as you hold me in your arms
Please... Don't go...
Stay with me

Cause I'm gonna love you forever
Forever and Always
I'm gonna need you forever
in so many different ways
You make me complete
You hold me so tight
You've helped me to see the world in a whole new light
baby I wish that you could see...
I need you here with me
With me
Please stay with me
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