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Sep 09, 2005 16:39

so holy crappers it's been a really long time since ive updated... not since before prom!!! wowsers... my summer was pretty awesome... i got to spend almost the whole thing with that guy i love so much which was absolutely excellent!! When I first went up to Connecticut in June he took me to New York with his family for my birthday and we went and saw Beauty and the Beast on Broadway and then he got me my pretty pretty ring that i love so much... he even picked it out himself... he's got great taste :) if you wanna hear more about that story you'll just have to ask me some other time because im not gonna write it all out or anything. We worked up at Camp Spofford which was a hootin-hollerin time. I was on music staff which was pretty cool... i got to sing everyday, that was my work... and i got paid for it. But i didn't like that i was the only high schooler on the staff... it made me feel like i was the little immature one because i was the only one not in college and majoring in music... i was like "um i just like to sing" lol idk but yeah my time there was great i got to spend tons of time with nate and grow even closer to him (i know, is it possible? lol) the more time i spend with him my feelings just grow deeper... he blows my mind... have you ever had someone so special to you that all they have to do is look you in your eyes and you melt? i mean i even have my own smile that only he can really make me smile... and he loves it. my nose scrunces up and my eyes wrinkle... he says he doesn't know why he thinks it's so cute, but he does. of course we had a couple rough times over the summer, but what couple doesn't? everything has worked its' way out in the end... and in a way they've helped us because they prove that we'll always be honest with eachother. You know i can't even think of something that I haven't told him... we tell eachother everything... last sunday was our 8 months... hoot hoot! hopefully there will be many more to come... i could see myself with him forever, we'll just have to see how God plans for that to turn out... so yeah im in love with you Nathan Paul Hydinger!! i can't wait to see you on the 30th and give you a huge hug and a kiss! i love you more than my heart can hold! anyways new subject... school is going ok... most of my classes are really really easy, like no homework. im on yearbook, and i think i'm really going to enjoy that. im kinda stressed with all kinds of stuff but nothing i cant work through. nate reminds me to just breathe... seems to work. but yeah anyways.... SENIORS BABY!!! GOING OUT BIG IN THE YEAR '06!! me and kara car chalked the football player's cars today... hopefully we'll beat Winter's Mill... if not hopefully we'll atleast put in a noble attempt! lol so yeah game at 7 and idk probably hang out with Em or someone after the game... then el telefono with mi amor... later dudes and dudettes
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