-I am yøur angel...-

Dec 16, 2003 17:12

Well tøday wasn't the best day ever...
First øf all I wøke up late again...shew..but at least I made it in time tø get øn the bus...
-Sydney gave me my Christmas present that she bøught me..it was cute...i løve it...

-1st bløck...Mr.P gtø Mrs.Pøwers key løcked in the døør and it broke øff...sø they had tø take the døør øff and stuff..yeah..i was a lil cønfused abøut hwø they døne that
and lil Drew gøt in mrs. pøwers røøm and me and mølly thøught that he fit thrøugh the lil windøw øn her døør...løl...we are bløndes..løl...and we asked Shane høw he gøt in there and he tøld us that sømeone picked him up and he slid øn thrøugh the windøw...løl...Really he gøt in thrøugh the øutside...he went thrøugh a windøw...and he ønly døne it because he gøt øut øf class..i knøw drew..løl...
S øøur algebra class had tø gø tø Mrs. Shørtts class and take øur test..

2nd bløck-Really all I døne was talk to Bri and Mølly and Shauna...

Lunch-just walked arøund with Bri and Justin..and Drew messed up my hair a bunch øf times..and Zack did tø...shew..løl

3rd bløck-All i døne was talk tø Bri...and helped Ang and Tiff and Syd cøøk..and libbz made the CUTEST lil hat...aww..i love it....she is talented at stuff like that...

4th bløck-Just talked tø Anna .... and døne a lil wørk..

2nd løad-Døn't even want tø tak abøut it.. Eerin...
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