Promise me you'll never let me go

Aug 17, 2004 10:28

Well, its been forever and a day since i last updated..i don't even know where to start..

I'm home sick today, i went to the doctor this morning, and i have something like strep throat?! So i missed the 4th day of school, lovely huh?!

Thursday was the first day of school, for some reason this year i'm not interested in school, everything juss seems so different and i don't know why, i made more fun as being a freshman...I had to get my schedule change bout 298746+ times, cause a lot of the classes are full, so i had to go to a different's my schedule

Family Relations

& i've been talkin' to a certain person<3 that i really like a lot, most people know who i am talkin' about, but i don't want everyone to know...i actually met him at the fair, aww..he's soo sweet ..i like him Soo0ooo much...and i haven't talked to him since Sunday*

well, thats all i can think of right now, i guess i'll update later....gonna go watch some tv...

love `uns
Brittany Nicole.*<33
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