Meme gacked from kellychambliss (I'd use a proper lj-link-thingy for the name, but every time I try to it eats up half the meme)
Saving Your Life (Hermione/Severus, NC17, Ch65, Epilogue, 7,166w)
Fallen Angel (Hermione/Sirius, WIP, PGish for now, 15,360w)
His (Hermione/Rabastan, written for GrangerEnchanted's Fuh-Q-Fest, NC17, 3,839w)
Night Time Show (Fred/George, Sirius/Remus, written for
hp_porninthesun , NC17, 4,713w)
Broken (Hermione/Sirius, WIP, NC17, 15,503w)
Drunk (Hermione/Rodolphus/Rabastan, NC17, 4,035w)
With The First Ray Of Light (Hermione/Kingsley, Hermione/OMC, written for
hermionebigbang ,NC17, 52,335w)
Caught (Bill/Charlie, Tonks, written for the ABC meme at
charlieficathon NC17, 1,185w)
Liquid Courage (Sirus/James, written for
hp_drunkenff, NC17, 744w)
Mind Games (Rabastan/Bellatrix, Rodolphus, written for
hp_darkfest , NC17, 6,300w)
Bad Elf (Sirius/various Order members, written for
daily_deviant, NC17, 3,982w)
Which means I wrote a total of 11 fics, and 115,162 words
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
I actualy wrote a lot more than I thought I had. Since I started writing fanfiction, Saving Your Live had taken up most of my time (243,558 words in 65 chapters that took roughly 28 months of work) so I hadn't written many fics till this year. Now I wrote ten brand new, plus finished SYL, so it was a better writing year than I'd expected.
Where did you publish/archive your stories?
Almost all of them are on and, all the Hermione-centric are on GrangerEnchanted, and since I started using LJ this year, there are a few stories I haven't yet managed to cross-post, but I'll get to that soon.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2008?
I wrote a lot of new pairings this year, which I had intended to (I like rare pairs best, they're more of a challenge, I think) including some smut for the Lestrange brothers (I actually wasn't interested in them until I wrote
His) and knowing how much I love my angst, I never expected I would manage to write something with humor in it (there's a little of it in
Drunk, but mostly in
Bad Elf)
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
That, I think, is a tie between
Broken (I love the story, and really enjoy writing it) and
With The First Ray Of Light (this was the first time that I completely lost control of the story and characters, and it was amazing discovering what would happen as I wrote it, and it has my very first original character, which makes me proud)
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Well, that'll certainly be
Saving Your Life (it still amazes me to go back and see how completely different my writing was three years ago) but
Broken is probably the most popular of my 2009 stories.
Story most under-appreciated by the universe?
That, I'm afraid, would be
With The First Ray Of Light. It's probably because it's a rare pair (Hermione/Kingsley) and add to it an OC and that will get most readers running the other way, unfortunately, but (warning:self-pimping ahead, the story needs it) it's a really nice story, with lots (and lots and lots) of plot and a structure that was rather hard to write, and has suspense and violence, and romance, and smut, and angst, and even a little fluff somewhere around there.
Story that could have been better?
As a whole,
Saving Your Life. The older chapters need editing. But also
His, I think I focused too much on the smut and could've added more to the characters, but then again, it was just meant to be a smutty oneshot...
Sexiest story?
That's maybe a tie between
Drunk and
Night Time Show Most fun story?
That's definitely
Bad Elf. I never thought I'd be able to write something funny.
Story with single sweetest moment?
I don't write many sweet moments, but I think the sweetest one (actually rather bittersweet) is
Broken (the Hermione/Teddy interaction, though be warned, the rest of the story is quite angsty) and there's also the required bit of sweet-ish in
Saving Your Life's epilogue.
The story that made you cry?
Well, no question there,
Hardest story to write?
There were quite a few.
Mind Games was very hard to write because I usually write more angst than dark, and I had to be very careful to keep things (i.e. Rabastan) in line, I didn't want him to be over-the-top evil, and I wanted more of a mind-fuck than blood and gore.
Bad Elf was hard to write, too. It was my first attempt at humour and I was damn worried it'd turn out annoying or weird instead of funny.
Easiest story to write?
With The First Ray Of Light, because it didn't feel like writing at all, it was almost the same experience I get from reading, the characters took the story wherever they wanted, and I was always surprised by what was happening.
Most overdue story?
Well, there are a few stories that have been put on hold time and again, and are still waiting to be updated. Bad lilmisblack!!!
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I certainly did!
With The First Ray Of Light has two timelines (past and present) that are intertwined through the story (one chapter of each) and it was really hard to do this, and even harder to remember what information I could give in one timeline and decide what I had to hold back and until when. I also wrote an original character for that story, my beloved Caleb. Most of the stories I wrote this year were for pairings I had never written before, and I also tried new things regarding genre (a little humor here, a little dark!fic there...) As to what I learnt...well, I learnt that challenging myself is fun, and that there are a lot of characters out there that need some lovin XD
Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?
1. Finish all WIP's
2. Write Ron a story (with Hermione) I'm so used to being mean to him, I really want to try to get a lovable, mature character out of him, show him in a different light.
3. Mmmm stay away from fests, I think XD