Feb 23, 2005 21:46
hmm.. i think i might be getting sick again but i cant! i HAVE to go to BATON ROUGE!! i HAVE to!! im sooo excited.. i need to get away from here and what better place to go than the BR!!?
so this week has been crazy.. ive been taking care of moms b/c shes sick but im very upset w/ her right now. i sat w/ her at the doctor for over an hour, then i went and sat at CVS for an hour for her medicine. ive been getting up and getting my bro up and making us breakfast and my lunch. ive done the laundry and cooked dinner and all she does is yell at me. today i made dinner for everyone and then i was doing laundry and she comes yelling down the hall saying, "wait till u guys are sick" just bc i didnt go get her plate when she was done eating but actually i was about to go get it but i was going to fold some clothes first. but apparently she is just ungreatful and im over her BULLSHIT. i quit. im tired of trying to do things for her. ive had enough. she is truly ridiculous. oh and apparently being 18 doesnt mean anything to her.. shes going to deritter on friday and she called my sis to come "babysit" me b/c i cant stay home by myself. FUCK THIS SHIT.. i cant wait till college bc i WILL NEVER COME HOME!!!!!!! FUCK THIS FUCKING HOUSE!! FUCK FUCK FUCK! FUCK YOU MOM!
abs suck and im tired of working on them.. they hurt :(