
Jun 22, 2005 01:28

So lately i have been up to alot. Josh is home now from cali. so i have been hanging out with him alot. Me and ryan have been doing are random events also. hung out with matt and my cousin a couple times also. heather i haven't seen since saturday i miss her. but i'll see her soon. Today i worked and then came home and went to eat with ryan, went back to pick spratt up. Then we came back to my house to change and get my car to drive to tim's. ryan drove and me and spratt tryed to consume beer in are system untill spratt decided to yell "soccer is for pussy's" at some little kids, and some dude followed us and got my liecnce plate # and called the 5-o's. gay fuck, nowonder his son play's soccer, his dad's a pussy to. Anyways so then we had to toss the beer we had, b/c i thought for sure its my life so we were going to get caught. But since we tossed them we didn't. Then tim drove the 3 of us to the palace. It was a solid time. Ryan wore a Tim Duncan jersey. Everybody wanted to fight him. it was awsome. So happy the stons won. Thursday should be solid. Thats about it so i'm out after this little thing i do below, that i got from tiptons journal.

heather- muah

age: 18
height: 5'8"
location: chesterfield
hair color: brown
eye color: blue
sexual preference: i like girls
what do you think of cheerleading: its not real
what brand of deodorant do you use: axe
of the people you've kissed, who was the worst kisser: tara ried
do you like pickles: no
do you watch porn: worthless
Do you have any pets: no, bummer
who are you gonna vote for: not even a queston at this point in time
do you have your own phone line: welcome to 2005
your thoughts on abortion: gotta do what u gotta do
do you like Britney Spears: ya
ever been butt naked bangin' on the bathroom floor: not to my knowledge
would you ever get plastic surgery, if so, on what: my knee
biggest redneck you know: wu dang
do you think foreign accents are sexy: tony "parkerr"
do you like hot dogs: sure
last time you went to the doctor: good question
ever taken ballet: nope i'm all set
last time you used the restroom: 10 mins ago

piercings = nope i don't put holes in my body for fun
tattoos = not a coloring book
shoe size = 10
favorite color = blue or pink
describe yourself in four words = niggy baller white boy
siblings = 1
underwear = i have elected not to wear any for about the last 2 months now
coffee cup = never
cd you listened to = mix cd
person you called = matt
person that has called you = matt
person you emailed = not real anymore
person who emailed you = billion randoms
person you kissed = nobody since saturday bad luck
you have a bf or gf = yes
you have a crush on someone = i have my crush
you wish you could live somewhere else = with my dad out of this house, soon
you think about suicide = nah
others find you attractive = shouldn't
you do drugs = extacy once in a while
you smoke = all my life
you like roller coasters = i want to fall out and get money
you write in cursive or print = print
long distance relationships = not kool
using someone = not a dick
suicide = k
killing people = nah matt does that shit for me, damn italian
doing drugs = when
premarital sex = lets do the thing

do you....
like the taste of blood = not what i crave
believe in love = ya
believe in soul mates = not really
believe in love at first sight = basically u love their looks at first sight
does not = not a question?
believe in God = its a book, man walks on water. i'm going to hell o-well
ever cried over a girl/boy = fuck bee's
ever lied to someone = its a must in this life
ever been arrested = for a second, then they found out the real truth and said nevermind
ever dated anyone who's in your lj friends list = my girlfriend right now
ever considered dating anyone else on your lj friends list = ya
kissed anyone on your lj friends list = ya all the time
ever been in a fist fight = hockey?

are you scared of = clown's and little kids
what are you like in relationships = layed back these days, and understanding

of times I have been in love? = few
of times I have had my heart broken? = few
of hearts I have broken? = thats not possible sir
of boys I have kissed? = couple
of girls I have kissed? = i'm broken *-)
of men I've slept with? = couple
of girls I've slept with? = 27
of continents I have lived on? = 1
of drugs taken illegally? = 3432
of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = 3

::what (illegal) drugs (if any) have you done?:: i'm not that guy
::What's the best gift you've ever received?:: my first pair of skates
::What's the best concert you've ever attended?:: i've been to one so vertical horizon would have to be it
::If you had to give up either music or sex for the rest of your life, which would you pick?:: ouch
::What's your favorite bad-for-you food?:: pizza
::What rockstar would you be a permanent groupie for, no questions asked?:: kelly for sure
::If you could lose (or get back to re-lose) my dignity
living or dead, who would it be?:: everybody
::Are you a dog person or a cat person?:: dog
::What's your favorite US city?:: glicherville
::Have you ever made out with more than one person in the same 24 hour period?:: ya
::Favorite curse word?: damnit
::Have you ever had a romantic/sexual encounter with a rock star?:: no
::What's the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done while drunk?:: ran around naked. o-well
::What current trend do you think is ridiculous and wish would go away immediately?:: school boys being touched

[Said "I love you" and meant it?] Yes
[Been to New York?] yes
[Been to Florida?] yes
[California?] Yes last month
[Hawaii?] nope
[Mexico?] yes
[China? Japan?] nope
[Canada?]all the time
[Danced naked?] thats what i do

[Apples or bananas?] apples
[Red or blue?] blue
[WalMart or Target?] target
[Math or English?] english
[High school or college?] High School

[do you want to get married] yes
[if so, what age would you like to be married] somewhere in my early to mid 20's
[who will you marry] u?
[what do you want to do when you grow up] just be happy
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