Apr 08, 2005 20:42
ddaaaaaaaaaammnnn,,,i havent updated in like 2 weeks, lol
hmm, idk what i have missed so ill just talk about today...
i dressed up for the baseball game today (u know, with like a shirt and tie)...black pants(and belt), black shoes, grayish-blackish shirt, and blue-ish/goldish/blackish tie....i found out that i have a black cuzin, his name is maurice(mo), he's my brutha/cuz, he's blood niggiieeee!!!,,,u know,,,cuz we go way back,,,my relatives and his relatives were relatives down in atlanta back in the day, u know, like whenever that was(before abe lincoln)
so the game today...we won 10-0, i went 1-3, hit one off the center field wall but i only got a single cuz like...idk what happened, mike ross was stealin but coach sent him back to tag up, but nick mandic was runnin cuz he saw it drop, and he passed ross at second base, so mike was out, damn, it shoulda been a 2 rbi double, but w/e, its ok, i dont care....its all good, im just gonna hit a gapper 2maro and get a double of my own, yesssssss....
well mike threw a no-hit 5 inning shutout, and uh...like,,,i made a few plays in the field.......we won the game, crazy huh? yep, thats what i thought
i felt not so tired today for once cuz i fell asleep readin my history chapter, but i didnt really do any of my hw, so w/e,,,,oh, and for the history test, i dont think i did too well, lol, but mr kellys tests are so easy, so i probly got an easy A
got my report card today too...got all A's but one B+ in English, i hate mr petrovic,,,,o guess what, he used to be a mailman back in the day, lol(he looks like a milkman if u ask me)
damn, the indians suck, and so do that cavs...what happened to the cavs dude, they used to be sweet, well they are still good, lebron is still my nigga, lol
i had watermelon when i got home from my game, and omg, that stuff was soooo goooddd!!!!!...o, and i drove home, and i had to squeeze through a parked car and an oncomin car, and my dad said i almost hit the car, i thought i was fine, but w/e,,,,anyways, when i passed the car, all of a sudden i hear my dad yellin MIKE WTF ARE U DOIN!!?!??!!i guess i almost hit it...hahahaha, me, jim, and pat pav were just crackin up, lol..o and then another thing, i dropped jim and pat off at the car place to pick up our other car that was bein fixed up, and on the way home, jim was behind us, and i flicked them off right quick, and my dad was like, mike, dont do that, youll get pulled over, i was like, dad, are u serious, why would a cop pull me over for givin somebody a finger, hes like, its profanity, i was like, but dad, it could be like a code or sign in some other language, the middle finger isnt a universal thing u know,,,and then he said, yeah mike, go tell that to the judge,i was like, why would they take me to court for flickin somebody off,,,haha, so yeah,,,it went on for another minute or so, it was so stupid, lol, ok, im rambling now
yeah, drivin is fun, but its bad if i dont blink for a while and then my eyes like cloud up cuz i have contacts, so i gotta blink really hard, and it blows, and then my eyes are just tired
okey dokey, im done......o yeah, doubleheader 2maro at the palace(home field... right next to the skewl) at 11 and the second game is whenever after(probly 1 or so)
ok,,,now im done
izzon foos