Mon, 22:42: #ThanksIsak We will all miss you! The only memories left are the video on YouTube!! xDD Tc lots <3 ~
Mon, 23:03: I'm excited to see chapter 4! :D Just read this now. I was wondering if you have any plans on continuing the story? :)…
Mon, 23:07: Real School sitcom Episode 1 has finished airing! Will it be a huge success?
Mon, 23:39: I love how the way you write your story. I had a jaw-drop on how Kibummie oppa was that perverted!! (>*0*)>!!…
Mon, 23:55: It's really good that the fic was long!! *0* I kept drooling over and over again! xD I guess I'm a bad girl then ^*^…
Tue, 01:20: I wonder how you manage to create such a nice story o_o It's very long when you scroll it down but it looks like it's…
Tue, 01:47: What exactly happend to Dongho after that? o_o.. Lawl... I read this just now :D and it was fun!! but kinda creepy that…