Jessica Simpson concert!

Jun 05, 2004 22:21

Wow-it has been like the BUSIEST weeks! well i haven't updated in like a week-but o well..i have had a blast but it has also been soo sooo LOOONNNGGG! earlier this week on wednesday we went down to gate city! wow it is like the ghetto's so we went down there and like they made us make these badges cause the white people who come down there are coming down to buy drugs usually so we had to make these badges so the police know who we are at all times-well then we went to the back where there is like this guard dog and like this junk yard-that was scary then we went to the pool-which had 3 body guards and a fence and barbwire-i said"i don't think ne one is gettin in here" haha yea well then we hung out with the kids-man i think this is going to be such a good experience and such a cool thing to minister to these kids! i am excited! well then lata on this week i worked! i just got back from the jessica simpson concert! that was a blast i have to admit! well i worked and like jessica only came out at 8:45 and we got off at 9 so i saw her come out and stuff and then we watched her for like 30 min and then we left! it was fun! man! yea-we saw like 10 people from b'wood and we had to ask them, "are you interested in modeling or acting" and then we got them to fill this sheet out-and then we got like $10 extra bucks cause we get $1 for every person to sign up! well we had some drunk people fill some out-that was always fun! was a fun day! we have the aerosmith concert 2morrow-it is from 4:30-9 man! yea..well i am gonna head off the shower cause i smell-it is like 10:30 and i am tired! man what a day! well LOVE yall! good night!
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