wls article questions

Apr 14, 2009 10:53

this will be posted to wls and lapband
Please do not fill out this poll if you are not at least ONE YEAR OUT post-op.
my article is going to deal with the mental aftermath of losing a significant amount of weight with bariatric surgery. i am interested in your stories. i've had bariatric surgery myself, but i'm more interested in other people's experiences, and how you have dealt with your brain after surgery.

if you have anything to add in the comments, please do--everything on this post is screened. please, be as candid and honest about this as possible! if you are concerned with privacy, please let me know. if i use your story, i will gladly change your name before taking this to press. i will be doing further interviews via email.

and if you have any LJ friends who have had gastric bypass, lapband, ds, sleeve, or any other bariatric procedure done, please send them to this post. i need as many people as i can to participate in this!

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