Aug 29, 2007 19:08
I Am.. wet and super super sore
I Want... it to stop being thunderstormy and scary outside
I Have... to wake up at 7 for swimming tommarow
I Wish... i could sleep in
I Hate... being sore
I Fear... not being able to walk tomarrow and stormy weather
I Search... for my sweatshirt because its freaking cold
I Wonder... what i'm swimming in the meet tommarow
I Regret... eating a whole box of wheat thins before practice
I Love... my swim team
I Ache... everywhere
I Always... am wet
I Usually... am wet and sore
I Am Not... gunna ever be dry
I Dance... in the locker room pool deck parking lot and in cars
I Sing... in the locker room pool deck parking lot and in cars
I Never... swam a 200 on the 3.05 untill today
I Rarely.... shave... thank you tim
I Cry... during sad movies
I Am Not Always... dry
I Lose... sleep
I'm Confused... by the weather outside
I Need... to be sleeping at the moment
I Should... take an ibprofen and watch the tigers game
I'm Thinking... of taking an ibeprofen and watching the tigers game