Nov 08, 2008 23:11
This has been a week for medical issues. I was having some intense upper abdominal pain tonight. I wasn't sure what it was, but it felt like I needed to burp, but it couldn't come out. So I called Sarah to see if she had any ideas about what to do. She suggested that I take some gas medicine. So I tried that, but it didn't do anything. Sometimes when i feel sick to my stomach, taking a bath helps, but not today. So I finally called Sarah back and she just suggested that i take two of the pain medication that she prescribed for me for my back and a muscle relaxer. It seems to have done the trick. I'm flying high right now and I'm not feeling much pain anymore either. Now I just need to get up and go to bed. Hopefully I don't run into anything or fall over. These are some strong drugs. Hopefully I can take care of my wrist tomorrow. I was gonna email Dawn to say I can't sing tomorrow, but I'm feeling so much better now that I'm gonna try to sing tomorrow. We'll see. Okay, goodnight!