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Jul 01, 2005 03:32

havent updated in quite a while i must say. its going to take a long time for me to get used to the idea of college. and everyone is so excited to leave and start their independent living and make new friends and everyone just wants to dive into the whole college experience and im regretting so much the fact that i dont feel like ive taken advantage of all of my time here. when i was still in high school it killed me to think of another year in what i considered to be "hell" but i cant help think about how much i wish i was staying and going back. i am going to miss high school. i just can't picture what it will be like leaving some of the best people i have ever met. people like david and dennis and rafa and jenny and my mom and my dad and my sister i just don't know what im going to do. people like those i just mentioned come once in a lifetime i think because no one else has impacted me quite much like they have. and sure college is gonna be great and all and ill probably be putting my foot in my mouth once i get accustomed to it all but right now i cant picture my life anywhere else but here, in my home. and im excited, dont get me wrong, but i will forever have memories of these people in my heart and no amount of time or distance or even experience will be able to rid them from my memory. its just a shock to think: im grown up now and its time to start the real world no bullshitting around. i guess im used to seeing my friends everyday and being able to mooch off my mom and if i did some crap sure there were consequences but chances are most probably id end up getting away with it. i remember laughing at those people who told me these were the best years of my life, but how true it is. i will always remember all of my friends and everyone who changed me and made me a better person and if by some tragic reason our friendships should fall apart, it wont be for lack of interest on my part. always know i love you and ill never forget you all.
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