Feb 05, 2005 09:33
Well it sure has been a long week! Things have been busy with school, work, church and bible studies, but its all worth it. Somehow i managed to get another parking ticket! I think Miami wants to take every peeny i have, i think i finally learned my lesson. So this means parking at Millett and walking or taking the bus... icky.
On the bright side this weather is beautiful today! I wish it would stay like this but i know winter is still here :( Spring will be here soon! YAY! It will be a fun season full of exciting things like trips and weddings :) I'm going on Spring Break to Panama with Campus Crusade, that will be fun. Then its Trish and Cory's wedding on May 28, It will be fun to be a bridesmaid and we are gonna get our dance on at the reception. Then i'm off to Guatemala for 10 days to help build a Church and run a Vacation Bible School. I still need to do some more fund-raising for that, I should be fine by then though. Then its Lauren and Blakes wedding! I'll be playing the role of bridesmaid once again :) Its going to be beautiful. Then I'll be taking summer classes and then fall semester will start again..... it seems like things ar going by so fast! Whew! Pretty soon we'll be all grown up!
Well i guess i need to get back to work, have a great weekend everyone!