This is not a hallucination...

Feb 08, 2009 20:01

I have had EVERY intention of coming on here and doing a proper update but honestly, life has been getting in the way!

Lots of stuff to report. I know this is WAY old news...and most of the friends close to me are already aware...but here's some info for those not in the know.'s been what, 5 months since we have moved to Portland. Hard to believe. It's weird seeing that in black and white. Wow. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday while simultaneously feeling as if it has been an age. I did have a REALLY tough time finding work when we first came. And that was kind of RIGHT before the shit REALLY hit the fan out here (and, as a consequence...nationally). But, whatever power that be made it possible...i did find myself a jobby job. I got a call back from the 3rd temp agency out of 9 (I WISH I was kidding) that i had signed up with.

I got the call on a Friday, last October (the last week...just a few days before Halloween) and they told me about the position. Out of desperation and lack of any other prospects, I went for it. And good thing I did. I am now working at the Daily Journal of Commerce.
Website here:

I just can't seem to get out of the construction business no matter how hard I try. It's a newspaper, a business paper, focusing mostly on construction. It's a daily rag. They post bids for prospective companies who want to court businesses basically. They do a lot of public works projects (it's mostly public works, the infrastructure portion of the stimulus should help to keep us busy). That is however, only one element of what they do. They have articles on renovations, reconstruction and feature designers as well as articles discussing real estate development, new facilities and most importantly...sustainable buildings. It's cool to know there is at least awareness, builders with a conscience, I like that. might ask yourself, "well Cindy what is it that you do there at the DJC?"

I work in the Construction Bid Data department as a scanning clerk. I know...don't be jealous!
Bascially, a few months ago...they had a psuedo-library of archives with all the bids offered. Bids being spec sheets and plans (i.e. drawings/blue prints). They now have a deal with this company called isqft (pronounced eye square foot. Website here: to dump everything online. It is MUCH more cost effective for a general contractor to look bids up online rather than going to a location so that is what's happening now. My job is to scan any and all bid projects that come in. So I will get a (or several) big bound book of spec sheets and usually a really large roll of plans varying in size from 11x17 to 30x42 to go with it. My job is to scan everything and upload it to the isqft website. Pretty exciting huh? The hours blow. 7:30-4. I thought I would escape those ugly construction hours coming to such luck! I however am by no means complaining (ok...maybe a little, did i mention the hours blow...?)

It is though, a steady paycheck and everyone there is SUPER nice, which makes for a decent working environment. I'm 3 1/2 months in and it doesn't look like there is any sign of making me a permanent employee as the company is (understandably) in a hiring freeze at the moment. The good news though is that I'm only getting busier, so they definitely have a need for me to be there. I'm not too concerned about that right now as I have already been added to Margaret's insurance through Peet's, so I am good there. And honestly, the weekly pay is saving our asses right now. So, life on that front is actually pretty good. I don't wake up every morning going "Woohoo! I freakin' LOVE this job!!" It's more like: "Phew, I HAVE a job!"

My heart goes out to the families, deeply affected by this economic crisis, to those parents who are staying up nights trying to figure out how they are going to make it through the next day, or the next week even. With daycare, gas, food and rent/mortgages being what they are (don't get me started on healthcare) thoughts go to them...always. I consider myself extremely lucky at the moment. I just hope this new administration will be able to begin to turn things around. It is going to be a rocky uphill battle. But Obama has my support. I hope he can weather the shitstorm ahead. It won't be easy...but is absolutely necessary and long long overdue.

There has been a surprising development in the creative department. I have been asked to join a band!
They are called Among the Weeds ( Originally from L.A. but a recent transplant to the Portland area. Initially...the entire band had agreed to relocate to Portland. However, the bass player was unable to do so due to legal obligations in California that I won't go into since it's really none of my business. Just a matter of good timing (and a little tipsy whispering in the ears of the right people ;) and being in the right place. Margaret has actually been encouraging this for some time. Given that I had not played in well over a year and a half...I was honestly fairly convinced I would not play again. The whole Fixtures thing really broke my heart. I put a lot into that band. It was hard to write 8 songs worth of material and have it not work out. I was at that point of just wanting to hang it up. I was unmotivated and completely devoid of this definitely came at a good time. It forced me to get my ass back in gear and be excited about music again. This time is very different because the band is really open to ideas creatively. I am essentially writing over what the original bass player did. I'm not diverting too much from what he originally did...but it is thrilling to me to throw in my bits and be a part of the creative process again. I have been so use to just learning parts and replicating them live in my career that this is a very unique and exciting experience. So...we are currently in the process of recording for their first upcoming full length album. Photos next week and live shows to follow, I imagine. All very cool things.

Ok, I'm tired and the L Word is going to be on soon. God I'm gay.
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