Anyone care to bail ME out?

Oct 23, 2008 07:08

The last few days have been strange ones. I did get a few facts wrong in regards to Margaret's dad. The second opinion was given to him only TWO DAYS before he passed. They told him he had less than a month and things just went down from there.

I guess he admitted that he probably had the cancer for about a year. He was not feeling well. Felt very lethargic, couldn't keep food down, etc. He kept going to the doctor and they kept telling him he had the flu. It is heartbreaking to me how fucked the health care system (or lack thereof) is in this country. If it were up to the doctors (as it should be) and not the insurance companies, in terms of testing...treatment and what is "allowable", maybe her father would have had a chance. If you haven't seen Sicko...please see it and you will see what I am talking about. It is because of a broken system that my girlfriend is without a father. This infuriates me beyond words.

M is home now and back at work. Her strength and perseverance never ceases to amaze me. She is the model for everything I wish I could be. She is going to be okay...but this will all take time. Really she's still processing everything that has happened. But my family has really stepped up to the plate to be there for her and she has a good support system on her mom's side as well. Thank God for all of that. Losing a parent is probably one of the most difficult things one can endure...and to lose a parent at the age of 35, all the harder.

Changing the subject entirely....
I am having the worlds worst time finding work. I can't recall the last time it took me this long to find work. Actually that's not true. It took me over a month to find work when I moved in with Margaret on the two occasions that I had to look for work. It's been about that length of time now. But I have signed up with FIVE count them...FIVE temp agencies in addition to applying for non-contract jobs as well. In all honesty, the timing of our move could not have been worse given the economic situation. But we came up here with Margaret having a job. I think our financial implications would have been FAR worse if we had both come up here unemployed. Margaret already got her first paycheck. I have crunched some numbers. We are OK for now with her income versus our bills and monthly expenses. But we can't stay with Jeremy forever. It will be great once I can line something up and we can get out of here. It's not an ideal situation for obvious reasons as well as we just want a place of our own. We're kind of in limbo until we can make that happen. So someone please pray (or prey? ;) on the job faeries to send something my way will ya?

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