Wow, it was so much fun. There was a couple of scares where the mortar holder fell over. Once it went down the street and the other time it went between my chair and the pile of unexploded cakes. I dove for cover and fortunately nothing caught fire. I was denied my standard pleasure which was daisy chaining a the little bee shaped whizzers and setting them off. Last year's total was a chain of 10 and the hosts decided I was no longer allow the privileges. :(
It was a lovely day in Monroe and fortunately not has hot there as I was at home. We barbequed and then got down to the business of blowing up over 110# of colored explosives. Oh yeah.
And in the small-fucking-world category, pahana's sister was there. Apparently she went to school with one of the hosts. Fancy!
Edit: Man, the fallout was bad this year. Grit and spent paper and sulphur rained down like snow. The spots on the camera were grit spots, not just a poorly kept camera. I got home at 2am and was bone tired but I still had to shower to get that shit off.
Annual Richardson Boom-a-thon Gallery Couple of favs: