Feb 05, 2008 17:25
Yay, I'm using my livejournal again! :3 It's been a long time.. >>;; I just read all my old entrees and.. WOW. I've changed -a LOT! For the better, I hope.
But one thing I have changed for the worse are my study habbits. Ever since I moved, I've been taking it a little easier. And every chance for a new beginning I tell myself I'm going to work hard and do better and then as soon as I get my test results back, it all goes back to square one. Well, maybe not that extreme. I have progressed, but it just seems so much harder here.
I don't think people in Albany truly understand how easy they have it.. -__-;; In Albany, I worked decently, procrastinated sometimes and still came out with a 4.0 GPA. For example, in Albany, I wrote clique long essays that usually did not take a lot of effort or creativity and I got an A. On the first persuasive essay, I worked my butt off and came out with a low B-. What the heck?? o.O In Albany, I would've cried if I got a grade like that.. and even here, my English teacher says a B or above is a relatively good grade in her opinion. Are you kidding me!? >>;;
I am dying this year. I really am.
I would give anything right now to go back to the beginning of this year and start over, knowing what I know now. And I would've taken Art 2 so I could do art for 3 years in High School. You know, colleges like that. They like consistency, which I lack on my record. >>;; But I really like art. I won an award and got it published in a book. Hmm, also I need to incorporate my violin skills in my transcript, either by joining the school orchestra or an outside orchestra. It's so complicated, because we only get 6 classes, not 7 like Albany, and there's just so many other classes I want to/need to take, such as Spanish 3 and Art 2 next year. Orchestra... UGH. >>;; So confusing.
Hmm.. I like my group for AP Bio group studying: Me, Mai, Karina, Andrea and Deborah, our group leader. So instead of doing three sets of objectives by ourselves (which takes hours!), we get to split them with out group members. It should also help us improve test grades :D Yay!
I need to get 4.2 this quarter. NO JOKE. I need this. I want this. SO bad.