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Jan 20, 2005 21:48

Well Yesterday I brOke up with Matt! Im Sad...But Im Glad its Over, nOw i wont have tO worry about if hes flirting with girls Or w/e the Hell he was Doin! But yea nOw I can gO Out with whOever i want So HOLLA. but Im Probly not gonna be hoOkin up with anyOne SoOn..I wanna Pimp!<3 yOu KnoO. HeHe!Report Cards can out tOday and I gOt one C. But my mOm wasnt mad cause i just gOt my Progress RepOrt frOm that same class (Math) and Now its an A. SoO me and my mOm are gOin Shopping this Weekend! WoOHoO Cant Wait! I hope Bianca can cOme over and Chizzle Dizzle! She's my Shining StaR and I Love her Oh So Much! Well im lyk Still Sick...It Sucks! i was coughing lyk all day! and in 2nd PeriOd i was lyk chOking! erybody was starin' at me and i felt lyk a weirrrdO LoL. But oOh Well! Im Gonna Go Get sum BeaUty Sleep now I guess!
PcE <3 Amandie PoO
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