Jan 03, 2005 13:52
This New Years was the best. First New Years Eve sucked a little but then me Caitie and Alex went to 2nd street n we had fun. Me n Alex went to my Aunts house lol Santino thats the cat food hahah it was great. I went to bed at like 2 n got up at 7:30 ate breakfast and went over to the club at like 8. Got my makeup done and got dressed practiced twice in goretti and went over the convention center. We did our first performance which was perfect and then we headed over to Broad street. I saw Stacy, Dana, Ashley, John, Dom, Dave, Steph,Mark and all her family and Steph n MArk walked wit us for awhile. We performed on Broad twice and walked till Broad n Washington i think. We got on the buses and went back to the C.C. We got touchups for our makeup and we did our 2nd perfomance which was even better then the first. We got on the buses and went to sencond street. We were there for about a half hour when Petey told us that we won. Everyone was jumping up and down thorwing beer everywhere my head was soaked with beer but i really didnt care me n laruen were jumping up and down n my dad said i could drink so i was drinkin twisted teas n mikes hard lemoade n shit it was so0o0o0o great. After about 4 hours me n laruen walked back to the club our feet were hurting from all the dancing. We got changed n got somethin to eat before everyone got back to the club.We drank more n we were dancin untill 2:30 in the morning my dad came back n asked me if i wanted to leave so i did. And that ladies and gentlemen was the best new years ever!!!!!!