all grown up?

May 07, 2007 15:01

I was just editing the privacy settings on my old entries, so that ya'll can't see them and laugh at me (because they're absolutely stupid) and I wonder if we ever look back on our entries and realize that we were aboslutely awesome back then. I guess in a lot of ways I'm not unhappy with the person before; she actually kind of amuses me. She was super energetic, hyper, and crazy.

Okay, fine. I take that back-- the part about ever being unhappy with who we were. I remember I wrote myself a letter than I was 16, meant to be read when I was 18... but since then I've changed computers only a bajillion times.  Pity.  I wonder what I would have said.  I'm pretty sure it was something along the lines of "OMG.. have you had your first kiss yet?  Have you had a boyfriend?"  It's weird to think that most of my life has been on slow-mo this entire time, and when college happened everything went into fast-forward.  Suddenly, I was an adult.  Suddenly, I was responsible for my own finances, I was responsible for finding / cooking food, and I was responsible for my own.. life.

I like to joke that working on the BDH-Business makes me feel like an adult, but It's true.  Knowing that I'm responsible for all of the finances of some other organization, something that has been there way before me and will continue to exist for long after I'm gone from Brown (and possibly the world) is just interesting.  That, and the fact that I'm dealing with actual adults working at their actual jobs on a daily basis.

I'm all grown up now.

Who am I kidding.  I still can't even resist icecream and cookies. 