(no subject)

Sep 13, 2005 13:59

just got home from school and about to start my 1203921 things of h/w to do :/ lol
i got to

*-write THNE type 67 journal promps
*-write THEN type 10 essays
*-powerpoint AND paper presentation on 3 garments, i chose denim, silk, and acrylic
*-Do a paper on fashion timeline from 1900.s-2006.. not 2005, 2006.. wtf? right lol


*-Make ANOTHER Fashion Line
^^thats the big one, you have to make a shirt,skirt,pants,scarf,belt,shoes,socks if needed,nylons,jacket,winter coat, anything you can think of, for something to go out in all year around yeah socks lmaoo... have to design them.. wtf? mine are made of nylon/silk blend cuz silk is cold in summer and warm in winter, and nylon will make it lightweight but keep insolated *whoa i cant spell all well*

so yeah.. im about to start on all of thoughs.. UGHH lots to do, but i love it!... i have to draw for a bit too. i really havnt done that or found anytime too..

so MORE badnews... rizzo.s dr. app. got cancled.. ugh it just bothers me cuz time is wasting that if tho.s bumps are anything im gunna blame it on the dr. taking a POD day of work! assholes!!


so i said my Grandma Flockhart is in the hospital right.. so now.. my Grandma Moran just went in.. yeah life fuckin sucks!!! me and my G-Ma Moran are so close.. i wasjust over there like 3 days ago cuz i took a jog over to her house cuz she lives like 4 blocks away.. and she was all energy and wanted to talk and talk and talk.. *yeah runs in the family :) * and like.. its so weird.. so after i do all my final projects im gunna go to my unclepauls to see if he needs nething, he.s my uncle w/ MS.. he just lives rightup in Mt.C so everyones all close.. and since he cant drive cuz he.s leagally blinde er w/e im gunna take him up to the store to get some thins he might need cuz my moms busy w/ work and taking it off to go visit my like whole fickin family at all these hospitals... ughh sobusy...

and i have liek final exams next week.. all these projects are the "final projects" we have projects and exams so we have like 2 finals in each class lmaoo.. but i get a week off between terms and im gunna get my teeth pulled :X.

IM SO SCARED!!! thats like my biggest thing is going under a knife or ANYTHING, im scared to be put to sleep, and after seeing chelse.s chipmonk face *lmao im so nice* .. im gunna DIE! seriously DIE!

*-ew just saw a spider-*

hmm lemme think anything else?
.. oh lmao this is so ghetto!!
so my comp.s stupid right? i have like 2 ways i can start my comp.
1way i have like Word and Powerpoint and stuff, but then no internet
so ihave to restart my comp. so i can load onto this comp. which works just fine and stuff.. has the internet in all.. but NO WORD or powerpoint so i have to keep switching and sending like it all to my e-mail so if i want pic.s on my powerpoint i have..ugh its confusing nvm my mind is everywhere right now... and my mom wont let me on the other computer so its stupid lol... but ahhh

no time to waste, i think im delaying to start my h/w :/ ugh...

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