An An 2008.11.26

Feb 18, 2009 16:07

After 10 Years: 10 words

From Ninomiya Kazunari

to Aiba: Gratitude
[Thanks for keeping me company no matter what]
Wether eating or playing, the one who is always keeping me company first is Aiba. Without a need for giving an example here, I am always grateful.

to Sakurai: Complaint
[Listen to people's stories properly]
Unexpectedly, he doesn't listen to people talking. You did this in varietys and concerts, if you adjust this "not listening" then you will always be popular.

to Ohno: Consulation about a problem
[Recently I am troubled because I can't sleep. What can I do?]
Recently because of shooting a drama I lack sleep. During the shooting of "Maou" you went fishing and didn't sleep but were fine about it, please give me an advise.

to Matsumoto: Pride
[I can do magic!]
If I have to brag, it would be about this. Magic isn't such an easy thing to do. Anybody would be proud.


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