Hey, Autumn? Do you always Fall off Summer?

Sep 23, 2006 14:44

Raining outside still, pretty ucky, but not too bad, because the rain just makes the yellow leaves look even MORE yellow. So in a way it's pretty. Went to Vagabonds for lunch today with Mom and my friend Kim from work, worked on a project, worked on my puzzle... Gave Apollo a bath. And I think I'm gonna call Hollie and hang with her tonight and make curry. Hafta fit laundry in there someplace too. Which means I need quarters.... maybe I'll go buy more good chocolate and half-and-half to make reeeeeeally good hot chocolate. Today is a good day for it if ever I saw one, to be sure.
Lots of goings-on inside my brain today. It's one of those days that end up packed full when you would have just as well had it empty. So you could sit and think all alone.... But if it had been empty I would have been frustrated, because I can never decifer the going's-on in my brain. I would have just ended up wholly depressed instead of tired and a little confused. So, no win.

Ah, well. So is my life. I feel so lost in it sometimes, but at the same time I feel like lost is home. It's where I spend most of my time.
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