Yeah. I like tv. I watch a ton of it and make no apologies! Lol. After a long day I like to watch and veg out. Anyhow... I've been watching desperate housewives since the beginning. I'm watching the finale right now. You know what I will absolutely NOT MISS, even a little? Teri friggin hatcher. There's something about her I find grating and she's such an over actor. I also didn't like her character, Susan, at all. She is so awful. So needy and whiny. I can't stand her!!! Ugh.
Anyways, in other tv opinions the end of once upon a time had a great finale!!! It wrapped up the season and laid a great path for next season!!! I'm sad about GCB but I'm glad Smash is still around! Very excited for that one.
That's it. All I got. Everything else was unremarkable.
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