Happy Birthday Sille!

Jun 24, 2010 22:04


My love, I wish you the bestest birthday ever. I know I posted this one day early but I won't be on the computer tomorrow so better too soon than too late. And I wanted to take the time to write you the great message that you deserve because you deserve the best birthday post ever.

I'm not gonna write you a love letter but well almost LOL In a way, I don't know you for real, and I have many things to learn about you in the future, I know that. But I also feel like I know you a lot. I know that you're a fabulous person, with amazing values, with a great heart, with good tastes. you're fierce, independant, mature, fabulous and i'm very proud to be your friend.

I know that may seem weird for some people but I actually care about you a lot. You really are one of the most wonderful and nicest person I ever talked to. You've always been the sweetest and the funniest with me. I love talking with you, about our lives, about our fitness plans & goals, about our girlies Ashley & Nina, watching movies with you and all.

I'm so very happy to have you in my life.You're so amazing, I wanted to tell you that again. I know you will do awesome in your life, you'll realize all your dream, I know that. I'm prud of you and I believe in you!

Well this is only a short message, I can't tell you how wonderful you are with only one post ;) And I hope you like the arts I did also, even though they have nothing fabulous LOL

Again, happy birthday baby, I love you so much ♥

!celebrations/holidays, !my girlies/friends

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