Nov 30, 2009 23:43
Oh, hey guys.
So I haven't updated this bad boy in over a year, and a shit-load of things have happened to me over this year, but I really don't feel the need to go into any of it. It would just be one long, messy story that has really not ended in the slightest, but I suppose that life is always messy and never-ending, and then you die. ...And sometimes dying can be kind of messy too ;)
I decided to start writing in my livejournal (blog) again, because I was inspired by the horrendous writing of an individual, who felt the need to get a blog to write about the stupid things that they do in their life. I am in no way against people having blogs/journals to help improve their writing, but there really is no hope for this individual, especially based on the topics that they write about.
Also, it might be rather interesting to write about my experiences over the next few months. I've decided that I need to see a counselor. Straight up: I don't love myself. My self-esteem is incredibly poor, I am very unhappy with my life right now, and I am just a little rain-cloud pouring down on everyone's lives with my pitiful, little sob-stories and my pessimistic thoughts. It's time for me to take all of the energy that I have exuded onto loving other people to the point where they feel overwhelmed, and just lighten up a bit and focus on me for a while. It's time to get positive, it's time for me to start loving my life again, and it's time for me to "complete" myself (ie., not needing to feel so dependent on multiple people to keep me happy and feeling complete... that's way too unhealthy).
So watching my transformations through my writings as I begin to understand why I am so down on myself may prove to be a little interesting. Or, who knows, my writing may go to the pits once I become a happy, positive, normal person. I honestly write the best when I'm upset...
But being happy is more important at this point.
Anyway, the first entry to this LiveJournal will always be the "Friends Only Banner" (as I set the date waaaaaay ahead), that way it will never get pushed back. But, from now on, my entries will all be public. Don't even bother trying to ask me to make my older entries public... I don't even want to think about last year. Man, oh man. haha
Sarah Threet