I wish this thing couldn't be seen by some people because then I would be able to put this lameasses name in here, but they would probably cry because they are a pussy like that.
Umm... things are dramatic... you're the dramatic one douchebag.
Also, you suck at soccer... uh, so you played when you were like 6... I'm pretty damn sure whatever talent
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1. Dramatic? Hello, Annie was just pissed because Amanda blew her off AGAIN for Spencer. A true friend would understand that. Obviously you can't. Yes she was pissed but Amanda was the one that blew this whole situation outta proportion. We are teenagers we have hormones. Some of us can control them others can't! Deal with it!
2. How would you know who sucks at soccer. I suck at soccer!! Annie is definitely not the next Mia Hamm but atleast she's out there trying! Better than sitting on her butt all day!
3. Ok you need to cool down! You may not have done what annie did but you aren't Annie (thank god)! She handled it how she felt best! It may not have been the best way but hey alteast she didn't go around building up anger!
4. You are no one to be calling others fat! No I'm nat saying you are but if you think annie's fat you have another thing coming! As I said in #1 we are teenagers! Our bodies change. She stays fit, eats healthy and doesn't go around calling other people fat. You may think so but hey there are about a billion other people who would disagree.
5. You wanna know who deserves to get "punched in the face"? No one! You need to take a step back and let things cool off!
thanks for your time! ~Anonymous! :)
1. Watch it with the exclamation marks!!!! I am a teenager too!!! but I don't need to punctuate my sentence with these every time!!!! get it!!!!!! uh, deal with that!!!!!!
2. How do you know who is good at soccer and who isn't? Umm, there is this thing called an opinion. Kelly was stating hers. You stated yours. Maybe neither of you is right. But maybe you should grow a brain and not throw a hissy fit on live journal.
3. Yet again, why don't you apply your words to Kelly. Kelly handled it how she felt was best!!! ( exclamations again...clearly you were getting worked up here...damn those hormones!!!!!!!!!!!!) And why don't you simmer. Asshole.
4. Umm, Kelly wasn't calling Annie fat. She was calling the fatty fat. Wow, not too bright if you can't catch where she was going with that thought. Genius. And enough with this teenager talk. It's lame. Much like you.
5. Umm, it was a thought....she says stuff like that all the time..and I'm pretty damn sure if you actually knew her, which I assume you don't since you are lame-ass who she wouldn't associate with in the first place, you too would think it's funny. Hell, I say I wanna punch people in the face all the time. I don't do it. But I say I will. See how it's funny. hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, there go my teenager hormones again!!!!!
Now, I don't know the situation from both sides, but do you actually think leaving your little "anonymous" note on here was going to "cool down" the situation.
How about you grow some balls and actually say this to her face. Or better yet, leave your name and not just your precious little anonymous signature with a smiley face. ;)
Hmm, how about that.
And why don't you get over the situation already since it's a little too dramatic for you.
Or is dramaticism another part of our hormonal imbalances as teenagers.
Maybe when you figure out how to act a little more adult about the situation...a situation I can only assume you aren't even involved in...then you can come forward and say whatever the hell you want.
I am not making judgments. But apparently you are. Whoever you are, you only know one side of the story. Why don't you pull your head out of your ass before you open up your mouth again, then maybe something besides shit will come out.
Thanks for time Anonymous.
:)Kristin Sorensen. Yah, I can leave my name because I am not scared of the repercussions of leaving this note.
Now if you don't mind Kelly and I have to get back to sitting on our asses all day long...oh wait, no, we actually are going out. Clearly you don't know that much about her.
Maybe we'll go kick the soccer ball around....awoo.
Yah. You are lame. Get over yourself. Get a sense of humor. And don't make me kick your ass.
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