
Mar 13, 2007 23:36

Let's not kid ourselves, if there is one show on TV that gets the shaft it's Frasier.

It's like that friend who is always a good time, and you'll most definitely hang out with when you see them, but never ever make plans with them. Bascially they're out of sight out of mind.

I have never once noted in my life when Fraiser was on. I can tell you right now what time and what channels Seinfeld is on, in less than a second, but as for 'Frasier', I have no sweet clue, I couldn't tell you. And quite frankly, I feel this is no longer acceptable.

I mean let's look at the show, it was a spinoff. A SPINOFF, now we only need to look at 'Joey' to look at how pathetic and tragic spinoffs usually are. But Frasier even coming from a TV classic 'Cheers' really managed to get its' act together. In fact I prefer the show to 'Cheers'. It has this amazing array of diverse characters that really bring their 'A' game to funny, I'm pretty sure it was on for a decade. And I can't give it one day? I just don't think that's fair.

So here it is, I'm going to say it right here right now, 'Frasier' (the show not the character) I'm sorry that I ignored you, and I'm going to make some better life choices that include you in it.
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