and bed

Mar 19, 2006 23:53

I have been very productive this weekend *beams* Finished my atlantiskink Kinkathon fic and my remixredux fic is off to be betaed! Huzzah. On the downside, I haven't read any of the things I intended to read. I'm starting at the beginning on nekosmuse's Seattle Series and I think I'm going to dl the whole thing to my palm. My next challenge fic isn't due until April 1st, but I'm a little worried about it. It's for the B movie ficathon, and I have no idea how I'm going to write my prompt *sigh* After that I have the words_fly_up challenge due on April 23. Other than those challenges, I've decided to write NO NEW FIC. I am determined to finish up some of the WIPs I've got going. There's absolutely no reason why Somebody Else, Collide, and Life of the Party haven't been updated. except that I'm lazy. that is all.

I have some vague ideas/questions/thoughts about all the pod fics being posted but am much too tired to formulate anything meaningful.

have not watched tonight's episode of Grey's Anatomy as I was finishing up a fic. will watch tomorrow.

in other news, am very tired and still having a lot of problems with my stomach. today was my nephew's 17th birthday. I ate pizza and cake with icecream and now I'm totally paying the price. *has no willpower*

now, to bed.

challenge, wip list

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