SGA slash - McKay/Sheppard - Double Date

Mar 05, 2006 14:39

Title: Double Date
Author: lillyjk
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/SG-1 Crossover
Pairing McKay/Sheppard - humor/preslash (implied McKay/Jonas Quinn)
Rating: PG-13
Word count: @ 1200
Summary: Written for the Episode Title Challenge. Also for fanfic100 Writer's Choice prompt (40 down, 60 to go). My original story was told from John/Rodney POV and refused to be completed in a reasonable amount of time (seriously folks 6000 words and counting) This story is a stand-alone, Sam Carter’s POV, but there will undoubtedly be a sequel incorporating the original version.

Sam shifted in her seat, uneasy again, and tried to concentrate on what Rodney was saying. She was starting to regret this whole “date” thing, and surprisingly, it wasn’t because McKay was her date. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, Rodney was only on Earth for another few days and she really wanted the chance to get his insight on the Ancient technology he’d encountered. Besides, she actually kind of liked McKay in that high school chess club sort of way, especially since his ego seemed to have been tamed somewhat by his time in the Pegasus Galaxy.

Jenny was staying with her for a few days, visiting some of her former colleagues at the SGC before heading back to the Antarctica outpost. When Sam had been reluctant to leave Jenny on her own, McKay had suggested they make a foursome out of it. It had seemed like a pleasant way to pass an evening, good food, intelligent conversation…but now she wasn’t quite so sure. She got the definite impression that trouble was brewing, she just didn’t know what kind.

She nodded absently as Rodney detailed the virtual reality created on the Aurora and shot a nervous glance at the couple sitting on the other side of the table. Jenny was leaning back in her chair, looking rather amused as she looked from John to Sam to Rodney. She gave Sam a little smile and subtly tilted her head in John’s direction. John Sheppard was staring daggers at her from across the table. His hazel eyes were narrowed, mouth pulled into a tight line, as he leaned back in his chair with his arms folded across his chest. He was looking at Sam like she was something he scraped off the bottom of his shoe.

Even when Sam looked away, turning back to face Rodney, she could feel Sheppard’s heated glare. What could she have possibly done to irritate the man? She’d barely even interacted with him since his team arrived from Atlantis. She’d spent most of her time in briefings or holed up in the lab with McKay. Actually, for a non-scientist, Sheppard seemed to spend a lot of time in the lab too. He'd mainly been a silent unsmiling presence, leaning against the wall and watching as she and McKay exchanged information.

When McKay paused to take a breath, Jenny interrupted, “If you’ll excuse me, I need to visit the ladies room. Sam?”

“What? Oh sure,” she smiled tightly at McKay as she rose. “We’ll uh, be back in a minute.” She nodded at Sheppard, and noticed that his scowl had deepened.

They were barely through the restroom door before Jenny grabbed her arm and guided her toward the far side of the room, pausing to check underneath the stall doors before starting to talk. “Jesus Sam, you really know how to show a girl a good time.” Jenny was giggling, “I feel like I’m trapped in an episode of Melrose Place.”

Sam gave her head a little shake, the image of a scowling Sheppard still on her mind. “Yeah, sorry about that. I’ve evidently offended Colonel Sheppard in some way. He’s not exactly pleasant company.”

Jenny’s eyes widened, “That’s an understatement. The man is practically snarling at you. But if I were in his place, I’d probably be doing the same.”

Sam cocked her head, “What do you mean in his place? I really can’t think of a single thing I’ve done to offend--”

Jenny’s giggle turned into a full-fledged laugh. “Sam, don’t ever change. I forget sometimes just how naïve you can be.” Her voice dropped to a whisper as the door to the ladies room opened. “You’re poaching on Sheppard’s territory. I mean, you’re out on a date with his crush!”

Sam blinked, “Jenny, we’ve been over this. Just because you liked Brokeback Mountain, it doesn’t mean that every man is secretly gay. There’s absolutely no reason to assume that Colonel Sheppard has a crush on McKay…” her voice trailed off, come to think about it, Sheppard did sort of act like a moonstruck fourteen year old. He practically trailed around after McKay and was always bringing him something to eat and making smart-ass remarks to get McKay's attention.

“This from the same woman who worked with Daniel Jackson and Jack O’Neill, for what - eight years - without realizing they were fucking each other’s brains out.” Jenny giggled again, “Why am I not surprised?”

Sam flushed a little, in her defense, Jack and Daniel had been subtle…sort of. She ignored the little thrill that ran through her when she thought about the two of them together. Jesus, Brokeback Mountain had fried her brain too. She shrugged and leaned toward the mirror to freshen her lipstick. “Well, I hate to break it to Sheppard, but McKay is definitely not gay.”

Jenny rolled her eyes, “I swear Sam, for a genius you really miss out on things. I thought everybody knew about McKay and Jonas Quinn.” She leaned in closer. “Evidently neither of them realized that there were security cameras in the generator room.”

Sam’s lipstick clattered into the sink. “But…” Although she did remember some sort of vague rumors about a couple being busted making out around the time McKay was at the SGC.

“Yeah, from what I hear Hammond was really pissed. But McKay’s a contractor and Jonas was an alien, so it wasn’t exactly like Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell carried a lot of weight with either one of them.” Jenny shrugged, “So, judging from that and the way McKay sniffs around after you, he must be bi. Obviously he’s not too keen on the uptake though, must be something with you genius types. He’s definitely into Sheppard too, considering he looks at him the same way he looks at you. Sheppard’s probably bi too, you know these military guys.” She gave Sam an appraising look, “Are you still in, what was it you called it, your experimental phase? Because if you played your cards right you could probably have both of them. Although Sheppard doesn’t look much like the sharing type.”

Sam felt her cheeks flush again, images of herself tangled up with McKay and Sheppard and Jonas, painting an erotic tableau in her mind. So. Not. Going. There. And Jesus, she should never have too much wine to drink when Jenny was around, the woman remembered every drunken confession. “Okay, so you’re saying that Sheppard is what - in love with McKay? And McKay just doesn’t realize it?”

Jenny shrugged again, “Love maybe, lust definitely. I swear, if that man was looking at me like he looks at McKay…well, I’d be squirming in my chair by now. He’s hot! I just don’t understand why he hasn’t made a move on McKay yet.”

Now Sam was giggling, remembering McKay’s complaint about a camping trip with Sheppard before they were scheduled to return to Atlantis. “You know, I’ve got a feeling that this little date might be just the thing to motivate Sheppard to make a move.” She unbuttoned another button on her shirt, exposing the swell of her breasts. “I think maybe I’m going to give Sheppard something to be jealous about. I owe McKay a favor.” She retrieved her lipstick and finished applying a fresh coat. “I was what they called a tease in high school. Maybe it’s time to practice my skills. And then, we can go home and watch a movie.” She wiggled her eyebrows, “I’ve got Brokeback Mountain on DVD.”


x-posted mckay_sheppard, atlantis_slash, fanfic100 and my lj

click for all my fanfic100 entries

double date, sga slash, challenge, fanfic100, mckay/sheppard

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