spent the day with my two teenage nephews...they have gotten so big it makes me feel positively claustrophobic to ride in a car with them. took them out for lunch where they consumed massive amounts of food and then to see King Kong where between the two of them they consumed two large buckets of popcorn...after eating a massive lunch. *ponders* the human body is an amazing thing. Even if I wanted to eat like that my stomach wouldn't allow it.
in other news, I got lovely lovely feedback on both the SGA fic and the WaT fic I posted yesterday *hugs flist* oh, and for any of you who might have missed it, I edited the SGA fic to add a link to a song mix that has become sort of my soundtrack for the Somebody Else series. here's a link -
Somebody Else Mix One is the Loneliest Number (Filter)
Fix You (Coldplay)
When You Gracefully Creep In (Averi)
Into Dust (Mazzy Star)
The Last Goodbye (Jeff Buckley)
The Deepest Blues are Black (Foo Fighters)
Hurt (Johnny Cash)
I'm Still Here (Vertical Horizon)
The Space Between (Dave Matthews)
Ever the Same (Rob Thomas)
as well as a couple of other songs including Drive by Melissa Ferrick...enjoy
Now I'm off to round up some food and settle in for some fic reading/writing, etc.