Fic: Irrational Fears, Flashpoint, 1/1, Spike, Greg, Lewis

May 19, 2009 18:05

Title: Irrational Fears
Fandom: Flashpoint
Characters: Greg, Spike and Lewis
Rating: Gen.
Word count: 487
Summary: For the crazy challenge we came up with yesterday with eviltwin  (icon dedicated to you and Spike!) - write about one of the team being confronted by their worst fear: a spider. I chose Spike as my victim. :p
Disclaimer: Don't own Flashpoint, just my fantasies.

Beta: The wonderful

When the Sarge came near the men’s locker room, he heard a scream. Not a ‘I-am-a-tough-and-badass-guy-scream’ like he’s supposed to hear with his teammates, more a ‘I-am-very-girly-and-piercing-scream’ that even Jules wouldn’t dare let out.

He bolted into the room, weapon raised.

“What the Hell?” he yelled when he saw Spike on the bench, on one foot, trying to avoid… something… He had a terrified look on his face, like he had seen a ghost, and his eyes were bugging out of their orbits. Greg checked the room, but only to found Lewis rolled over the floor, almost chocking. “You okay, Lou?” he asked, worried that his agent could be injured.

“Yes, Sarge!” Lewis managed to say just before bursting out laughing again.

Parker sighed in relief and put back his gun in is holster when he saw that Lewis was just laughing. “Care to explain what’s happening, Lou?” But Lewis was breathless and still wasn’t able to pronounce a word. So he decided to return to Spike who was still paralyzed on his bench.

“Spike.” But Spike didn’t answer. “Spiiiiiiike!” he yelled.

Spike came out of his trance and managed to say “It’s here, I saw it, I swear, I saw it.”

“What did you see, buddy?” Negotiation 101 first rule: you need to make contact with the subject. Friendly if possible. And even if he’s nuts.

“It’s here, I saw it, I swear, I saw it.”

“Okay, I’m sure you saw it. Wanna tell me what it was?”

“Where is it? Where did it go? Did you see it too? Where is Lou? Has it hurt him?”

“Lou is fine and you’re making non-sense here. Lou is fine; he’s just on the floor, trying to stop laughing.”

“Lewis? Lou?” Panicked-Spike cried.

“Yes! I’m here! I’m coming!” Lewis said, before coming near the bench.

“You’re alive? It didn’t eat you?”

The sergeant raised his eyebrows, sending questioning looks too Lewis.

“As you can see Spike, I’m fine…”

Suddenly, Greg Parker found himself with an armful of Spike who had thrown himself into his arms.

“Humph, you’re kinda heavy buddy there.” He was trying to drop Spike, who was attached to him like his life was depending on that on the floor. He glared at Lewis who doubled over at the sight of Spike in his boss’ arms, carried in a bride-way. “You’re not helping there, Lewis.”

“Sorry, boss,” he chocked before crying again from laughs.

“But what the hell happened? I thought someone was dying. You scared the shit outta me.”

Spike pointed a finger to the ground near his locker. “There! Look at this ugly, hideous, huge monster!”

“What? This teeny tiny little thing? It’s barely a centimeter large. This is why you’re creating a riot? You gotta be kidding me.”

“No, I hate spiders!”

Greg stared at Spike in disbelief.

Lewis finally explained to his Chief, “We watched ‘It’ yesterday. He kinda got carried away!”

flashpoint, spike, spider challenge, greg, lewis, fic: irrationnal fears

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