Prompt #9: Sorrow
The first day, she left with their son because she couldn’t stand what he had become and he decided to stop.
The tenth day, he was a mess and he finally didn’t stop. Sorrow was just unbearable.
The twentieth day, he called in sick because he couldn’t even open his eyes, let alone driving or carrying a gun.
The thirtieth day, he thought about eating his gun but he decided that never seeing his son again would be worse than dying.
The fortieth day, he still hadn’t stopped and he made a mistake. This kid wasn’t supposed to be killed.
Prompt #13: Strength
The fiftieth day, Ed yelled on Greg like he has never done and brought him into a meeting. After ten minutes he took off.
The sixtieth day, Greg decided that Ed might be right. He returned to a meeting and stayed.
The seventieth day, he chose to talk, talk about his family, talk about his job, talk about his problems.
The eightieth day, a cop blew his head out right in front of him. Going into a bar was the first thing he did to forget. Finally he decided against it and called Ed. His friend had become his strength.
Special WE prompt GLASS
A year and he’s back on track, like nothing had happened. Old demons can come back in an instant.
Two years and he gets promoted, every effort he made thanks to Ed pays.
Four years and his team becomes his new family. Ed is his second, in his job, in his life.
Six years and he still hasn’t seen his family again, but he hopes to and that keeps him sober.
Seven years and he tries, but they won’t see him. It doesn’t matter; he still has them in his heart.
Eight years and he hasn’t touched a glass again.