Here are my thought on this week Halloween episode...
Alcohol? Seriously dude? To a kid?
When did Grace become such a insensitive brat?
How about a witch costume, Fishy Eyes?
Did you just call him Danno, bitch? Dear Wo Fat, can you kill her very painfully? Yours trully! I've always hated character bashing, but since Lenkov is trying to shove her down our throat...
Served you right, Danno. Don't piss the spirits. And Steve looked like Danny killed his puppy...
I love the M.E. office. Go Matrix!
The funeral guy looks creepier than Freddy Krueger... Just saying...
Dear bad guy, you couldn't have killed Fishy Eyes?
The end was kind of anti climatic...
Funny end... Though it wasn't exactly the best episode... Nothing much to say about it...