So I'm making an effort to post more cause powrhug said I was too quiet on LJ :p
Then here are my thought on H50 season 2 premiere. What are yours?
So good to have our guys back for a new season.
Bad ass Chin! Seriously! We've got Ninja Chin now. Steve is rubbing off on him...
No! Steve!
Ouch, Danny didn't go easy on Chin.
I want Terry O'Quinn to stay on the show forever!
So Victor Hesse is ding good actions now? They are best buds suddenly? Planets aren't aligned...
Max rocks!
Poor Danno *cuddles* Most of the writers were right ^^
The new Governor is quite impressive and imposing.
Yay! Five-0 is back!
Kono is still kicking ass.
I'm the only one to find it weird that a memory card can cover one year of video footage? Same for Kono being suspended and shooting someone when she's not upposed to carry a gun. How can she not have problems with that?!
Poor Kono, she's so sad to be still suspended... :-(
Wondering what McG senior was up to...
That sucks that Wo Fat killed Hesse cause seriously, I liked James Masters. I want him back!
OH. MY. F-ING. GOD. Fucking bitch! Jenna go to hell you dirtbag!