Dec 21, 2004 10:24
So here is the deal. Justin made Kelly (or Kewwy as he likes to call her) his assistant (ass being the operative part of the word there). But that is OK because I am Steven's assistant and I would rather be that anyway. Justin never works and that bothers me. When I am working I want to do just that. There is so much work that is only partially done around here because Justin keeps telling me, "I'll show you how to do that later...." and then he plays grab ass with Kelly. I don't envy her for having to put up with his half-assness (yes I made up a word). Steven actually gets his work done and although Kelly bitches about him being mean to her, he is only mean when you fuck up something obvious. Sure he is just as good of a teacher as me, which is horrible. He teaches fast and expects you to just know it but that is how I teach too so its cool. If he gets mad at me I'll just talk back to him and things are g double o d again. He is a nice guy at heart although he is a user. He makes friends with people just so that he can get free stuff from them. That is his most annoying quality. But it is great because he understands that Justin is a male whore that just wants to fuck Kelly. I wish they would just do it and get it over with. It is bound to happen. Justin hates his wife. He just uses her for someone to do his laundry and make it look like he is a good family man. This is such a weird workplace. Why can't I find a job where they appreciate my anal retentiveness, attention to detail and willingness to work? That is what work is supposed to be about right?
Ok, enough with that. I get tired of talking about this place. It makes Blaise an angry girl. So, Yeah! Adam is coming in to town, it is supposed to at the very least be fucking cold as shit and at the most SNOW! The next few days will be awesome even though I am dreading work. I just want to focus on what is good right now and deal with the shit later. I am excited about next semester and then I will graduate and life will really open up for me. I'm getting married in July and that means I stuck to my ideal of getting married after college. Then who knows what will happen but I am really excited about my life with Charles that just keeps getting better and I have great friends right now that just keep coming back no matter what (suckers! ;)) Goddamn it, call me an optimist.....