Jun 08, 2010 21:50
My beautiful angel baby doggie died last Thursday
We dont know for sure but according to two vets the cause of death was internal bleeding possibly from poisoning
The vets said that it was something like a rat poison. We dont keep rat poison in our home.
We had our doggie we had ...we have our nephew and thats why we didnt keep anything this dangerous in our home.
As I wrote in one of my prev entries I had an argument with my neighbour about his dog
I dont want to be an asshole but my 1st thought was that my fucking asshole neighbour poisoned my doggie
My dog was the best the most beautiful the most adorable dog in the World
Im not just sayin it...I have amazing stories about just how adorable he was.
When he was like 2 months old there was a little boy who always asked when we gonna go out with him because he wants to pet him.
I had a couple who crossed a 3 lane road just to pet him
two of my friends got a dog because they fell in love with my doggie
I was sitting on the train on my way home and one of the passangers asked me about my doggie because she thought he was beautiful
When we went out for a walk we always had someone who wanted to pet him
He had the silkiest hair ever...literary like human hair
And he wasnt just beautiful but he was the cutest dog ever
He was interested in everything and he loved us
Ive always called him "my fury angel"
Since last Thursday Ive cried everyday and Ive realised that I can not live without dogs
I cant
Im over ,,, I think Im over with the "I wish I would die" period but I cant live without a dog
I dont know how could you live without a dog or why would you live without a dog
I cant and I wont
Fingers-toes crossed that Friday Im gonna have a baby puppy because living without a dog SUX!!!
I cant do this anymore I miss my dog so much
I know the baby puppy gonna be different but this pain Im feeling this has to go I cant live like this.