Fic: 10 Mylar song drabbles

Oct 11, 2008 23:05

Title: 10 Mylar song drabbles
Fandom: Heroes
Pairings/characters: Mylar, mentions of Matt, Molly, and Maya.
Ratings: G-PG-13
Warnings: Character death, Broadway musicals, blood, ANGST, fluff, Christmas lights, spoliers up to episode 3.03
Comments: Basically I tried the meme where I put my lovely Zen player n shuffle and wrote drabbles for the first 10 songs, using only the length of the song to write the drabble. Enjoy!!

Whipped- Tuuli

He knew that he had him from the start. From that first meeting so long ago in Virginia Beach, he was obsessed. Filled with the need to possess him, to own him, he had to make Mohinder an offer that he couldn’t refuse. Because after all, who said that blackmail wasn’t the best control?

Too Much in Love to Care- Sarah Brightman and John Barrowman

They never dreamed that it would ever be this way. Who would have ever believed that the two of them, two people who are so incredibly different could come together like this? A relationship that had started off dysfunctional and so empty of all hope had somehow turned into a full blown romance. And throughout it all, throughout all the stares, the harsh words from others, they remained together. As long as they had each other, they couldn’t care less.

Papa- Vanessa Carlton

His father was always trying to bring him down. Down from being “special”, from being so much more than a simple watchmaker from Queens. Still he looked up, reaching up for that “specialness”, away from the watch shop and out of New York to Mohinder.

Return to Sender- Elvis Presley

Love could be so fickle to Sylar, and he knew that Mohinder could be the world’s most stubborn person. How could he have known that one simple action would leave Mohinder so angry? So again, and again, and again, Sylar reached out in apology, and again and again, Mohinder refused to be there.

Underneath it All- No Doubt

After years of knowing the man, Mohinder was still trying to figure Sylar out. From the shy Zane persona, to the cold, ruthless Sylar exterior, Mohinder wasn’t sure who he really was. Subconsciously, he knew that the real Sylar, the former Gabriel Gray, still lay within him. He had seen glimpses of him at times, through tender kisses and gentle touches. They contrasted so sharply with the harsh words and fights that so dominated their relationship. Still, it was a comfort to know that Gabriel still existed somewhere underneath it all.

Making Christmas- Nightmare Before Christmas

It was one week before Christmas and Mohinder was having incredible difficulty with the Christmas lights. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t make heads or tails of them. He wanted everything to be perfect for their first Christmas together.

“Mohinder, what are you doing?” Sylar asked, poking his head in from the other room.

“I can’t figure out these lights,” he replied, frowning. Sylar walked over, gently taking the lights from Mohinder, before quickly finding the dead bulb and removing it.

“There,” he said, smiling gently at Mohinder. Mohinder smiled back. Perhaps this Christmas would just what he had expected.

Are You Happy Now- Michelle Branch

He sat amongst the ruins of his shattered life. The broken furniture, the blood on the walls. His blood. None of it seemed to reflect how he felt inside. Not even the body on the floor, the body of a once beautiful man, turned into a monster, could affect him.

“I did it all for you,” Sylar whispered, gently brushing black curls back from the scaly, bloody forehead. “I gave it all up for you, Mohinder. Are you happy now?”

The Wizard and I- Idina Menzel

“So, why are we going to see a musical again?” Mohinder sighed in exasperation.

“I told you before, Sylar. Molly really wanted to see it.”

“But it’s just so…happy and fluffy!” Sylar exclaimed, eyebrows raised.

“Oh come on, it’s just a musical. It’ll be over in a couple of hours.”

“No it won’t. Molly will be singing it for days, and then I’ll be singing it, and it will never end!” Sylar cried, grabbing onto Mohinder’s shoulders.

“That’s why I brought these.” Mohinder produced two sets of earplugs. Sylar just stared at him.

“What?” asked Mohinder.

“Mohinder, I love you,” Sylar gasped. Mohinder smiled.

“Me too. Now let’s go face the music.”

Don’t Lie- Black Eyed Peas

Two years, and many, many lies later, Mohinder had had enough. Enough nights of waking to find that Sylar wasn’t there. Enough times of walking into the washroom to find the tell-tale spots of blood in the sink and shower. Enough of the mounting reports of more and more missing people and dead bodies found. Enough of the broken promises made by a monster that had once been a man.

Harder to Breathe- Maroon 5

He was slowly slipping deeper and deeper into the abyss of darkness which so haunted his mind. With every failed attempt at a cure, with every person that he hurt, he felt a bit of himself, a bit of his humanity slipping away. It was getting harder to breathe, harder to keep from drowning. And after a while, he realized that the one person he needed, not Maya, not Matt, not Molly, would never return. And so he was left alone to drown in his pit of madness that he had created. And it was all Sylar’s fault.

drabbles, mylar, angst, heroes, fanfic

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