Fic: Cloud Watching

Aug 09, 2007 16:50

Title: Cloud Watching
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings/characters: Sirius/Remus
Ratings: PG
Word count: 566
Warnings: Slash
Summery: Fluff involving Remus and Sirius cloudwatching....
Comments: Meagan, here is your birthday fic... Enjoy!!!


“So, see anything interesting, Moony?”

Remus Lupin sat up and looked at his position on the grass. Sirius Black, his friend and love interest stood a few feet away from him, smirking and looking utterly amused.

“Nothing much,” he replied, “just looking at the clouds.” Sirius plopped down beside him, still looking amused.

“Why,” he asked.

Remus shook his head. “Don’t tell me you’ve never looked at the clouds before, Padfoot.”

Sirius shrugged. “Can’t say that I ever have. I mean, what’s so special about them?”

Remus sighed as he lay back down. Would it be worth it for him to tell Sirius how he felt about him? He still had doubts. After all, he didn’t even know if Sirius was bi, let alone gay. The way that he so shamelessly flirted with girls suggested otherwise.

But on the other hand, what did he have to lose? The worst that Sirius could do is reject him…and shun him…and turn everyone else against him… Okay, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to tell him. It was then that the idea struck him.

“The clouds make really interesting shapes.” He pointed a particularly fluffy bunch of clouds. “See that there, that could be a poodle or a very fluffy rabbit."

Sirius blinked. “It just looks like a bunch of cotton candy to me.”

“For the love of Merlin, Padfoot. Use your bloody imagination for once.”

“Okay, okay,” Sirius relented, the smirk returning to his face. “That,” he pointed to a suspiciously human-shaped cloud, “could be Snivellus with his greasy nose in a book like always.”

Remus smiled. “Now you’re getting the hang of it. Now, what do those clouds look like?”

“Looks kind of like a dog peeing on a fire hydrant.”

“Good, and those?”

“Most definitely a possessed rabbit that’s been struck by an Shocking Hex. Now it’s my turn.” Sirius pointed to a small puff of a cloud.

“It looks like those big fluffy flowers in Greenhouse 2.”

“And those?”

“I would say it’s safe to say that it looks like Professor Dumbledore.”

“Perfect. Now that one?”

Remus paused. Should he really tell Sirius what he thought this cloud looked like? He was jolted out this little reverie when Sirius playfully nudged his elbow.

“Cat got your tongue, Moony?”

Remus sighed mournfully. It was now or never. “I think it looks rather like s werewolf and a big black dog,” he said, carefully coding his words.

Sirius raised an eyebrow. “I see, and where are the stag and the rat?”

“Not there. The werewolf and dog are simply alone. Together.”

“And what exactly are the two of them doing together?”

“Just hanging out, enjoying each other’s company. Only…” Here Remus trailed off, not sure if he should take the final plunge.

“Only what, Moony?”

Remus sighed again. “Only the werewolf wants to be closer to the dog, because he has…erm…feelings for the dog.”

A look of comprehension dawned on Sirius’s face. “I see. What if the dog had similar feelings for the werewolf, but was unsure of how to convey these feelings properly?”

A grin lit up Remus’s face. “Well, the werewolf would be completely open to these feelings and would very possibly reciprocate them.”

“Very possibly?”

“That’s a fact.”

Sirius stood up, holding a hand out to help Remus up. “I do believe that you were right, Moony,” he grinned, mischievously. “Those clouds can make some pretty interesting shapes.”

drabbles, harry potter, remus/sirius, fluff, fanfic

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