Nov 15, 2004 21:19
Well, the last post did help to get some of my thoughts out and my moodiness. Though family issues plague me and friend's problems seem to dog my every step. *grins*
I suppose that since that was my first post to my live journal I should make my second post a little more introductory. My name, as you can see is Lillyanah... *giggles* Ok, so it isn't but it is one of the nom de guerre that people know me by. I have had many of them in the past. All of them fairly known in their circles of influence. Lothlorindol in chats, Celestite in Final Fantasy XI, Lythra, Nekomi, Saniah, Galdi, Ophilia, Charatan, *laughs* I could go on and on.
As you can see I enjoy to play computer games and things like that. The most recent amusements being Sacred, Neverwinter Nights and Final Fantasy XI. In the past I have played EverQuest, UO, Ragnarok Online (when it was free), Diablo and Diablo II, again I could ramble forever.
I have in the past been quite fond of chatting in message boards. Roleplaying mostly, since I don't really like the real world. I have had many, many characters. All of them completely different from one another. Lothlorindol is however my oldest and most revered character. I have finally come to a point in her development that I can no longer take her character name or personality into any more online games. It has made it quite difficult to find a name and develop a personality for a new character. Though I think I have done quite well.
Other than those things I enjoy reading. It has always been a favored past time of mine. Mostly though I enjoy Fantasy and Sci-Fi novels. Business books and non-fiction seem to be too boring... too real to escape into. That is what my reading is as much as my gaming or my chatting. It is a time for me to be creative, imaginative. A time for me to get lost in someone else's world, a world with just as many problems as mine but ones that I don't have to deal with. I can just let the character deal with them in their way, in a way that is already planned and written out.
Being creative and imaginative is a deep seeded desire and joy for me. I used to find that I had a well spring of ideas and thoughts that I could write out and others would read and enjoy. Though now that I have things like debt, bills, housing, food, jobs and real life things to deal with that well spring seems to be almost continually dry. Unless I am in my car and don't have any way to write down anything that I think of. Then it seems to suddenly want to flow and always it disappears as I pull into my apartments. *giggles* Isn't that the way of the world?
Now, if you couldn't already tell I am eternally curious. *laughs* Not that my first entry was any revelation to that point. It comes from my feline side... though is could come from my Kender bits too. *looks thoughtful for a moment* Now that I think about it, it seems to be a mixture of both. Too much curiosity to be just one or the other. Don't you agree? *grins*
Well, for now I suppose this is goodnight. I do hope that you come to visit again... soon? Please? *looks pleading then giggles*