more vid recs

Mar 25, 2016 15:41

Have some more!

Ex's and Oh's by Roarkshop
This made me so happy and giddy and I've watched it many many times. Fun interpretation of Dean.

Rootless by kaiyote 
Very pretty Castiel vid.

From Dusk Till Dawn
No one is gonna take my soul away by WIRWENxx
This is wonderful! Thanks to frelling_tralk for reccing this to me.

Captain America
Above & Below  by hurleybird
Very awesome!

Black Sails
I can't go on without you by fabella
Beautiful, beautiful Flint/Billy vid. Has scenes from season 3 in it. I haven't seen season 3 yet and try to avoid spoilers, but I didn't feel the scenes in here showed much plotwise, it's more about the mood. So, for me it was save to watch, but just so you know.

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vid rec: supernatural, vid rec, vid rec: marvel, vid rec: from dusk till dawn, vid rec: misc

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