The Days:
Something old Stargate Atlantis - John Sheppard
Something new From Dusk Till Dawn - Seth&Richie or Seth/Richie
3. Something you made for someone else
4. Something you made just for yourself
5. Something for a large fandom/pairing/character
6. Something for a small fandom/pairing/character
7. Something you're just really proud of
Someting I made for someone else
There are quite a few vids I made for other people, all because of the wonderful thing that is festivids! I decided to go with the most recent one, in this case the last one I finished for last festivids.
I love the movie Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, I watched it in the cinema like four times and I bought the DVD the very day it came out. I'm still so in love with it. Harry, Perry and Harmony are wonderful, I love the narrating style and the meta and it is a fun happy place for me. So, when I saw the request I was overjoyed and decided to go with something different from what I usually do. I think the song fits Harry's thought patterns surprisingly well and I love editing to a fast beat. What was difficult was the fact that the lyrics mostly stay the same or aren't really applicable to the source. I usually am quite lyrics oriented when structuring a vid and here I had to "find" the structure in another way. An interesting and very rewarding experience!
password: yougotme
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