Vid Recs: Stargate Atlantis Vol. I

Jul 02, 2010 00:13

Went through my vid collection recently and decided to rec some. So, here we go, these are in no particular order.

Such Great Heights by keewick  mcshep, music: the postal service
This vid is simply amazing. It's fast and fluent and even after having watched it quite a lot, I still find new stuff in there. I especially like how the vidder has implemented much used scenes in such a way that they seem somehow different. In some instances only a very brief moment is shown but at the same time there is so much to be associated with that moment and this works incredibly well.

Every vid by lim  is awesome and I don't think I can say much more than that :)

I am/lamb
john sheppard vid
music: the mercy seat by johnny cash

My brilliant idea
music: i could be in love with someone like you by jason robert brown

doppelganger episode vid, mcshep
music:mr. sandman by gob

This is How it Works
music: on the radio by regina spektor

streaming and download here

Evening on the Ground by hollywoodgrrl sheppard vid, music: iron & wine
I only "discovered" this very recently but it is easily one of my favorites! It is very fast and there is a lot of cross cutting, which I'm quite fond of. Plus the vid has such a bittersweet ring to it and for me that's one of  the best things something can have.

Right here right now by hollywoodgrrl action, ensemble, music: fat boy slim
This one's also very fast. And flawless and awesome. It just makes me like the show even more...

Red Moon by sol_se Ronon/Sheppard music:Turin Brakes
This vid shows all the parallels between Sheppard and Ronon, many of which I only realized while watching the vid. It's actually quite breathtaking :) I love the "dead friends can't come back" part!

Men of Devotion
by chayiana  mcshep, music: Fools Garden
This is one of the first vids in general and mcshep vids in particular I came across and so it will always have a special place in my heart... there will be fluff...

stargate atlantis, vid rec, vid rec: stargate atlantis

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