Decided to rec some multifandom vids.
I want to be evil by lithiumdoll aka
halcyon_shift music: Eartha Kitt vs. Giant Jr
When I first watched this I didn't know most of the featured shows and I still don't but that totally doesn't matter because this vid creates its own reality.
Uncommerical Song also by lithiumdoll aka
halcyon_shift music: Oysterband
What I said about the previous vid is also true for this one. The many many sources just flow together perfectly. Plus one tiny clip made me discover the awesomeness that is Touching Evil (US).
Filthy Mind by
sol_se music: Amanda Ghost
This vid had me at "Faith crawls out of grave - cut - Faith dances in club (and all in one fluent motion)" and it is full of brilliant juxtapositions, parallels and sequences that flow together like whoa.
The End by
smutcutter music: REM (scroll down for the download)
The vidder uses the song in a very interesting way and this vid just makes me happy. And again all sources form one narrative.