Fannish Vacation: Sad Hill Cemetery (The Good The Bad And The Ugly)

Sep 30, 2019 12:53

I'm back from Spain where I visited the former set of the Sad Hill Cemetery from The Good The Bad And The Ugly. In 2016 it was restored by fans for the 50th anniversary of the movie and it is such an amazing place.

The (fake) cemetery is near the small town of Santo Domingo De Silos which is very beautiful. Our hotel was amazing and there was so much to see. It was also my birthday while we were there and what a perfect birthday it was!

It was a four to five km walk to Sad Hill mostly uphill. It is located in a beautiful valley surrounded by impressive mountains. We spent a few hours there, I could have stayed even longer. At one point I walked around it listening to the Ennio Morricone music. AMAZING!! It's been a long time since I felt so much and I was really overwhelmed.

More pictures under the cut.

It is such a big place. I almost couldn't believe it, it just went on and on.

I wish I could have stayed till sundown and taken more pictures then. Maybe next time.

I'll post more pictures later, also from other stuff we saw.

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fandom things, the good the bad and the ugly, my photos, rl

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