Some things and vid recs

Feb 25, 2019 19:58

My hand is doing well and that's wonderful.

I also have two more weeks of sick leave and the weather is great! I went for a walk twice today and did some reading outside in the sun.

I'm still watching Teen Wolf and I love it. I'm almost at the end of season 4 now. I have vid feelings, so yay!

I bought some blueberries that looked amazing but didn't taste like much and so put them in a cake. Problem solved.

Have some vid recs:

Teen Wolf
Bad Things by

niyalune ~ The adults of Beacon Hills are pretty handsy with the teenagers... aka "the bad touch vid"
Very dark and very good.

Our Hearts are Wrong by
danegen ~ I know how you work
Derek and Stiles are adorable.

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teen wolf, my photos, vid rec, vid rec: teen wolf

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