I saw this going around and it seemed like fun.
* Tattoos: No, not yet.
* Ever hit a deer: Not a deer, but a badger.
* Ridden in an ambulance: No.
* Sang karaoke: Yes.
* Ice skated: Yes, reluctantly. I dread any form of skating, but on a school trip I was dragged along by classmates.
* Ridden a motorcycle: Yes, not myself, but I rode with my Dad a few times.
* Stayed in hospital: Not as a patient, but I've visited a lot lately.
* Skipped school: Yes.
* Last phone call: My Mom.
* Last text from: A friend.
* Watched someone die: Yes, twice. Technically three times, but one person was successfully resuscitated.
* Pepsi or coke: Pepsi.
* Favorite Pie: We don't really have pie here. I love Zwetschgenkuchen (Plum Cake).
* Favorite pizza: Homemade with Hokkaido pumpkin sauce.
* Favorite season: Fall
* Broken bones: Both my arms a few weeks apart shortly before I started elementary school.
* Received a ticket: One parking ticket and two for speeding.
* Favorite color: Pink and orange.
* Sunset or sunrise: Sunset.
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