equinox fall 2017: based on books

Oct 02, 2017 17:03

Equinox is live and I received two amazing, beautiful, brilliant, awesome True Blood vids!!! :D I asked for something that showcases the stunning visual style of the show and boy, did I get that!


Down the Rabbit Hole (Lafayette/Jesus)
This is amazing!! Such a brilliant use of the song and wonderfully sharp and fast paced editing. It's scary and sexy and utterly perfect!

Be Mean (Pam/Tara)
This is such a joy to watch. I love the perfect song and how the vidder used it. Pam's facial expression are perfectly chosen and it's bitter sweet, just like the pairing!

Thank you so much, you amazing vidding geniuses!!! :D These are everything I hoped for and I love them so much!!

Check out all the other vids here on AO3.

This entry was originally posted at https://lilly-the-kid.dreamwidth.org/100583.html.
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vid rec, vid rec: misc

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